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    Hirosaki Park cherry blossom market announced, 15 days earlier than normal

    Hirosaki Park cherry blossom market announced, 15 days earlier than normal

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    The Hirosaki City Parks and Green Spaces Division (Shimo-Shirogane-cho, Hirosaki City) announced on April 7 that somei-yoshino standard trees in Hirosaki Park have flowered.

    This is the fourth time this season that the section that manages the cherry blossoms in Hirosaki Park has predicted blooming. Every year, we confirm flower buds and other factors to predict the blooming and full bloom of the standard Yoshino cherry trees in the park's "Kuruwa" area, the entire outer moat, and the "Cherry Blossom Tunnel" in the Nishibori area.

    According to the announcement this time, the standard tree and the outer moat will bloom, and the full bloom date is expected to be April 12th. The blossoming of the cherry blossom tunnel is April 8th, and the full bloom date is expected to be April 14th. The standard tree is the earliest flowering observed since 1947 (Showa 22), 15 days earlier than the average year. The earliest flowering date so far was April 13, 1990 (Heisei 2).

    According to the department, there are about 50 kinds of cherry blossoms in Hirosaki Park, including somei-yoshino, yaebeni-shidare, and kanzan. Among them, the late-blooming cherry blossoms called "Hirosaki Nanazakura" will be in full bloom after April 17th, and will be in full bloom for a week.

    The annual Hirosaki Cherry Blossom Festival is held from April 21st to May 5th. From April 15th to April 20th, the park will be lit up as a semi-festival system, and stalls will also be open.

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