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    Immigrants conveying the charm of Aomori call for support through commercials aiming to publish books

    Immigrants conveying the charm of Aomori call for support through commercials aiming to publish books

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    Junko Inoue, who lives in Aomori and Hirakawa, is currently calling for support for a book self-publishing project.

    Mr. Inoue is from Hyogo Prefecture with two children who moved to Aomori in April 2002. She married her husband, Shinpei Inoue, three months later, and when her eldest son was five months old, he suddenly asked her to move to Aomori, and she agreed. A 300-page book titled "Aomori Emigration Bochibochi Unusual Road" will be published.

    “I started living in Aomori, where I lived in a padlocked house and didn’t know a single person.I struggled to raise my children, including repeated hospitalizations and surgeries.It is a non-fiction book about immigrants like me. I want people to know," said Inoue.

    In order to collect funds for publication, a crowdfunding site called for support from February 24. We started with a target amount of 600,000 yen, but achieved it in 3 days. As a next goal, we set a circulation of 2000 copies and set 1.5 million yen as funds to distribute in Aomori Prefecture. Mr. Inoue says with a smile, "I'm glad to hear that the locals want to support the immigrants' efforts to spread the charm of Aomori."

    In addition to mailing books, there are 19 types of return items, including the right to talk with Mr. Inoue online, the right to invite him to lunch, and the right to speak at a lecture.

    “Publishing a book is not the goal,” says Inoue. “I want to make use of my experience of living in Aomori, where I moved to, to provide advice and advice to people who are thinking about moving. There were many failures and sad things, but I can tell people that 'Aomori life is the best.' I want to teach Aomori and many people about the charm of Aomori," he said enthusiastically.

    Recruitment is until March 21th.

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