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    A wholesaler in Hirosaki wants to convey the charm of direct sales in the “300 melon sales challenge”

    A wholesaler in Hirosaki wants to convey the charm of direct sales in the “300 melon sales challenge”

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    Kosuke Osanai of "Yamakin Osanai Shoten" (Ishiwata, Hirosaki City) is currently trying to sell 300 melons a day.

    The company, which runs a wholesale business of apples and melons, started an initiative to encourage the people of Hirosaki, especially the locals, to buy more melons. Osanai says, "We sell melons face-to-face, declaring on social media that we won't be able to leave until we sell 300 melons a day!"

    Osanai has been in charge of online sales since 2017. As for why he took on the challenge of selling melons directly, he said, ``As a wholesaler, I didn't have the opportunity to hear the voices of consumers who actually got their hands on melons. That one word was enough to motivate me to produce and deliver delicious food again,” says Osanai.

    The sales location is the parking lot of "kitchen KAMEYA" (Hama no Machi). Since the store is close to "Yamakin Osanai Shoten", Mr. Osanai asked for direct sales. Akiko Osawa, the owner of "kitchen KAMEYA", said, "If you use the store for something interesting, we welcome it. The streets of Hamanomachi used to be bustling. I want you," he said.

    "Lennon" (1 ball = 800 yen, 6 balls = 4,500 yen) and "Urban Delicious" (1 ball = 700 yen, 6 balls = 4,000 yen) of "Tsugarian Melon" to be sold. Mr. Osanai confidently said, "It's a so-called product with a bad shape and a bad mesh, but the Tsugarian melon still has a sugar content of 16 degrees or more."

    Sales began on August 11, but the 300 balls per day has not yet been achieved. When he was calling for sales along the road, he was mistaken for hitchhiking, and once he stopped selling due to symptoms like heat stroke. “My goal is to sell 300 melons a day, but I want to sell melons face-to-face to as many people as possible,” says Osanai.

    “If it is well received, I would like to continue. There are many varieties of apples and melons in Aomori, and even though they are delicious, they are sometimes sold cheaply due to market conditions. "friend.

    The sale on August 15th starts at 10:00. Future sales schedule will be announced on Instagram.

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