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    Hirosaki aims to increase female customer base in Aomori prefecture for the first time in "mini plastic"

    Hirosaki aims to increase female customer base in Aomori prefecture for the first time in "mini plastic"

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    On March 17th, Hirosaki's shopping mall "Hiroro" (Ekimaecho, Hirosaki City) opened a new variety store "MINiPLA Hirosaki Hiroro", a store affiliated with the import lifestyle store "PLAZA".

    The store has over 3000 items such as stationery, cosmetics, clothing miscellaneous goods, and toys. In addition to offering lineups tailored to events and seasons, we also have character goods such as Mickey and Snoopy and the original brand "in private".

    The same store that has a store near the front entrance on the first floor. The store area is 55 tsubo. As an opening campaign, SNYDER'S pretzel milk chocolate will be presented to customers who purchase 1,000 yen or more, and BARBAPAPA-designed toothbrushes and pouches that are not for 2,000 yen or more will be presented on a first-come-first-served basis.

    Plaza-style Ayumu Ishikawa calls for a visit, saying, “It's fun just to look at it, so please come visit us.”

    On the same day, a fashion store "MAJESTIC LEGON Hirosaki Hiroro store" will open next to the mini plastic. Hiroro Kentaro Hiroshima, Vice-Director of Hiroro, hopes that "We will have more opportunities to visit female customers than ever before."

    Business hours are from 10:00 to 20:00.

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